Global Portfolio
The overall aim for our global equity strategy is to create attractive, long term, and risk-adjusted returns, which are above the general market return with a long term horizon.
The portfolio is concentrated and consists of 25 to 30 listed companies from around the world.
The selection of companies for the portfolio is based on an analysis and assessment of the companies’ long term, risk-adjusted return potential. Investments in companies are not based on their weight in specific market indices, and the strategy does not have a short term benchmark.
The portfolio is most suitable for long term investors as returns can be expected to differ from the market return – both positively and negatively.
Danish Portfolio
Our Danish equity portfolio aims to achieve attractive long term returns which are above the general market return with a long term horizon.
The fund’s strategy is to invest in a concentrated portfolio of typically 10 to 15 Danish listed companies.
The selection of companies for the portfolio is based on an assessment of the companies’ long term, risk-adjusted return potential. Investments in companies are not based on their weights in specific market indices, and the fund does not have a short term benchmark.
For this reason, the portfolio is most suitable for long term investors as returns can be expected to differ from the market return – both positively and negatively.
Would you like to learn more about our portfolios please contact us.