Company Information
BLS Capital Fondsmaeglerselskab A/S
Date of incorporation: 15th of January 2008.
VAT number: 31179580
Auditor: Deloitte Certified Public Accountants
Danish FSA Number: 8190
SEC registration number: 801-79701
BLS Capital Fondsmæglerselskab A/S (“BLS Capital”) is an asset management company and portfolio manager registered with the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority (“Finanstilsynet or Danish FSA”), and also a SEC registered Investment Advisor.
Contact information
BLS Capital
Strandvejen 724
2930 Klampenborg
Phone: (+45) 45 58 40 20
Fax: (+45) 45 58 40 29
CEO: Anna Grex
Board of Directors
Steen Juul Jensen, Chairman.
Pernille Backhausen, Attorney.
Peter Bundgaard, Portfolio Manager.
Anders Lund, Portfolio Manager.
The Board of Directors makes decisions concerning the firm’s risk management, including remuneration policy. No less than once annually, the Board of Directors ensures that risk limits are respected and adequate, including with regard to internal control, remuneration, compliance and others.